November 21, 2006

Local Champions Needed

• Knowledgeable in rowing.
• Residents with a long-term stake in the community and a commitment to starting a rowing club.
• A range of skills and experience, including: administration, not-for-profit governance & financial and human resource management; accounting; fundraising; publicity; wood/metalwork; automotive/technical

Call John Malloy at 705 888-6193 or Email:

Why Rowing?

If you think skimming aerodynamically over water under your own muscle power would be a blast, then rowing is for you. It’s all about balance, timing and teamwork. Slipping into a boat and pulling water solo or with friends develops muscle power, endurance and great friendships. Rowing is a fun way to get to know yourself and others!

Boats are propelled through the water by pulling on one oar (sweeping) or by pulling on two oars (sculling). All major muscle groups are used and the constant effort produces an excellent cardiovascular workout. In addition to the physical benefits of the sport, you can still hang out with friends, since rowers must learn to 'pull together' in crews of two, four or eight (when they are not in a single shell).